PMCH - Patna one of the topmost government hospitals in India. Sounds image of good hospital come into my mind with full of instrument. But the reality is just opposite of this. I will tell my story when I visited in this hospital to see my cousin brother and through that story I will tell about the pathetic conditions of PMCH Hospital . As I entered in the hospital area, there was no guard at the main gate of hospital which is giving a chance for terrorists that please come and kill thousands of people by your hand made bomb. As I move forward I saw that relatives of patients were making so much noise among themselves that they were forget that they came to see the patient not to make picnic. Here, I did not find even a single guard who told those guys to stop making noise. As I entered into the hospital I was totally shocked to see that patients lied on the ground which indicate that there are not sufficient bed for the patients. I saw that a guy with his broken hand lied on the ground and blood was continuously coming from his broken part. After seeing that image I went to my brother and in just 4 to 5 minute I came out from the hospital. This is only a small image of PMCH Hospital. Here, a lot to say, but.