The soap was interesting so far. Now it is stuck with Chandus mis understanding and imaginary treasure hunting. The story is loosing its grip as it is diverting from the main frame and I suspect the author does not know how to come out of it. I may stop watching the soap in another week if the stale mate continues.
It started very well. Tossing back and forth from past and present. Shubhras acting is very natural and this actress shows lot of potential. Plot moves round Sulekha and Shubhra. Sulekha acts superbly.Madhusudans role is very stereotype. Vinoo is well chalked and the actor has maintained well as old vinoo. Sopan is a varsatile actor. All other characters have played their roles neatly with understanding.
The serial has a good germ but it should not be streched beyond its capacity. Every script has its own demand of space and time. ayou loose the soul if you go on stretching it from commercial angle. There should be a golden mean.