This is an immensely watchable marathi movie by Sachin.(Pilgaonkar, not tendulkar, u morons)
This story is of four friends who land up in Pune in search of naukri and chokri. Sachin, Ashok saraf, Laxmikant Berde and Sushant Ray. ( I forgot their screen names) Sachin and Laxmikant are in the singing field, sushant a medical student and ashok is a salesman.
Ashok dwells in a house as a tenant and his landlord is a pucca khadus person who does not tolerate tenants. The four friends land at Ashoks home and try to be out of the landlords sight. But one day, they get drunk and bug him to no end. U guessed the result.
They get an ultimatum to evict themselves. They see a decent house-but there is a catch-the landlady prefers only couples. So sachin and laxmikant masquarade as ladies(wives to sushant and ashok). The landlady has an evil nephew who is in cahoots with the housemaid with an eye on her property. The foursome get his plots foiled, only to expose their real identity.
Their female love interests are supriya with sachin-niece of the landlady, nivedita joshi-sushants classmate, priya arun-laxmikants childhood chum and ashwini bhave-ashok sarafs boss(Yes! boss) They have not much to do except ashwini bhave.
This is a laughable comedy, with melodious songs and good acting. A good family movie.