Mummy was sounding cross ‘But why can’t I come to meet you today ?’ ‘Er, I am a little busy’ ‘You’re hiding something. I don’t know what. And I’m coming over’ Mummy entered my freshly painted home, glanced around and gave me such a look that I ran to find a chair for her to collapse into. She looked positively livid. ‘What HAVE you done? Pink walls ? Green ceilings ? Have you gone totally insane ?’ ‘Mom, listen to me, please. The kids wanted this.’ “Don’t blame it on the kids. It’s must have been you who wanted it. Don’t I know you ? And I’m sure you must have convinced Naval somehow. But what WILL your father say ?’ I decided to be silent then and busied myself in looking after her - serving her tea etc.. After some time, mummy calmed down. Then she looked at the walls keenly. ‘What is this color called ?’ She finally asked “It’s called ‘Mermaid’ ! Isn’t it beautiful, Mummy ? And see how lovely it looks with the‘ ‘Golden Flicker’ colored ceiling.’ She stared at the ceiling. I could see her weakening. I felt a flicker of hope. So I took her to the bedroom. ‘Look at the walls here. I have selected the colors that remind me of the sea. This blue is called ‘Malibu’ and to complement it, the adjacent wall is painted with ‘Surf Green’. I tell you, I feel so relaxed when I come back home and sit in this room after a hard day’s work. Next was the living room. “Three walls are painted with this smoky grey called ‘Shangrila’ and the main wall facing the entrance is ‘Flowering Blush’ which is my ‘Feature wall’. All the lovely paintings will be hung on this one. The grey ones will just stand here to give a sober contrast to the feature wall.” “Why is this paint looking so glossy and lustrous ?” ‘That’s because it’s Royale Luxury Sheen Emulsion from Asian Paints. It’s an exquisite emulsion paint that provides a luxurious finish and a silky glowing look. It is water-based and 100% acrylic interior wall finish. It also has anti-fungal properties and is relatively easy to maintain.” “But what about these naughty kids ? They will spoil all this in seconds.” I called Alma and Sitab and asked them to write anything they want with a crayon on the wall. The kids stared at me, amazed and unable to believe their good luck, rushed to draw doodles on the walls before I could change my mind. I called my maid to come with soapy water and sponge and proceeded to wipe the crayon away. In a matter of seconds, all signs of the childish drawings were gone. The paint shone brilliantly as before. I looked at mummy. She looked impressed. “But how long will these walls remain like this ?’ “This paint has a longer life than usual distempers. It may cost more than the usual paints but is more cost effective eventually because it requires repainting after almost two years compared to the usual paints.’ In the end she peeped into the children’s room. ‘Green Pepper’ and ‘Butterfly yellow’ adorned the walls and gave the room a cheerful, upbeat look. “This room has to be painted this way. After all two smart kids stay in this home” I spoke. “Wrong.” My mother smiled “Four smart kids live in this home.” And she hugged me.