Asian shiva ganga is a theater at dilsukhnager.
I consider it as a best theater in dilsukhnager .
We can finad many theater like konarka, rajdhani, megha.and many more
But among them it is best place to watch your favroit movie with your familiy and frends .
This theater is good amoung all theater in dilsukhnager because it have good fesilities of seats, air conditioning, a wide cenima screen visible for all visiters.
We cant find fesilities in other theater in dilsukhnager.
Theatrs sharing the same imposing outer structure, Shiva doesnt offer a birds view of Gaddiannaram like Shivaganga does. Thats good because like in Shivaganga you dont have to wear wings and soar the skies to reach your seat in the balcony.
The audio-visual experience in this huge hall has the reputation of being one of the best in the city. Even without the latest Neon projection lamps, the quality is decent. Although the seats here are of the old school, Rexene and all, you still wouldnt really mind placing your bottom in them. Nice and comfortable.
This is review by Rishab. Hope u guys like it.