*This is my sad story
Mar 25, 2007 11:19 PM
Dissatisfied with the Services of Asianet
gmail.com Hi,
I am sending this email to let u guys know abt my dissatisfaction of service provided by Asianet, both ur data line and Television connection.
First of all u guys never keep the time n give false promises.
I called Asianet on the
14th of this month to let know of my interest in going ahead with a
new connection(dataline n dtv) the dtv guys came on 18th and
connected without connection? and the dataline marketing guy
collected money the same day(04 days for responding to a potential
customer) and he told that I would get the connection by Wednesday or
maximum by Thursday. Thursday I called that guy then ur head office
many times.but in vain.no proper answers( modem has been issued
and u will get connection today itself, the marketing guy never picks
up the phone after that when I call him.).at 8pm on thursday I
called ur head office and they told that it wud be done the next day
morning between 10-11am .100%. Past 11am no calls, called up
headoffice they told that modem issued today in the morning
(contradiction of what was told yesterday). Finally the guy who has to
install, calls and tells that he will come after 2pm.
I called the head office took the complaints number and called
spoke to a guy who was very sweet in listening out the whole thing, but
he has got no answers, explanations. gave me the Senior managers
number. called her up. she told that she will check it out and
call me back.no call back from her.but the guy finally came
installed the cable modem and tried connecting no connection.he says
the system is not acquiring an ip address so u have to reinstall the
operating system and then try.He was too busy going back. after
he left I just power cycled the modem(unplug the power plug and insert
it back) Bingo I got the ip address. I called him up and asked him
wat I need to do n he told me me to go to the 192./gscan.asp n
change some value n it wud connect but it didnt.he tells that it is
a problem with the line.
I called back the manager and told her the same, she told she
would check it out and someone from cust service would call me back.
senior manager.never called back.promised twice but no calls at
all. no wonder. got managers giving false promises.
Finally after all this hardships I got the connection yesterday.after 11 days.
I am not very happy with the speed I am getting I was having a 128kbps
broadband service from Airtel, now I am having a 256kbps connection and
the average speed what I am getting is not even matching wat I was
getting before.and called up ur customer care number a few mins back
and all the guy could say is that the speed will vary from 64kbps and
256 kbps.I asked him if there is any thing he can do to check if my
comp is slowing it down.he told No.
I dont know who is gonna read this mail, but I would like to let u know that as a customer of Asianet this year I am spending close to Rs 20, 000 on Asianet alone an for heavens sake understand it is not a very small amount. and if I still go ahead of asianet is because I have
purchased you damn modem outright.and it is the only
option available.the day I feel that a better option is available I
will not think twice before switching to that, if you dont improve
upon ur services.
Ya and one of your guys is calling me to buy the set top box.hmmmmmmmmm.
after all this what do you think I should do.
too am into customer service and telesales since past 05 years( Last
as an Asst Manger Operations for an international call center),
customer service means a lot. it includes not giving false promises,
listening to and understanding the problems of the customer, keep the
time, and a lot more and I am really sorry to say that based on my
experience with asianet I am totally disheartened and dissatisfied.
that some one would look into this matter and provide your guys with
proper training and guidance so that another person would not face the
same hardships.
Or is some one really going to read this mail and bother to do something?
n the reply
Dear Sir,
Based on your feedback regarding ADL connectivity, we had send our engineer to your place. Can we have an update on the connectivity
status now.
Today is the 17 sep 2007
*purchased the settop box in the mean while.no tensports, MTV, sony etc since last 4 months.reason they have hiked the rates
100s of phone calls, lots of emails a couple of engineers came in but I am still suffering.
today I spoke to the BIZ DEV Manger.
n the reply I got is that I am the only cst in the area n they cant do anything special for me. might have to disconnect the connection.
six months since I got the connection n wat a reply to get.
*will update later on the progress