Ive been using Ask Jeeves for a long time. Over all, its a very reliable search engine. It gives you a lot of results to your queries. I give this a two thumbs up because Im satisfied using this.
Whenever you have a question, anything big of small let the butler do the searching for you. This search engine used to have an advice section. Youve been rated for your activity and the type of advice you give in the site. Frankly, I should have joined a long time ago to take full priviledge of the advice site. Now its no longer available. I hope they make a comeback. To make good use of this search engine go to Browse by Subject. The categories are: a) Auto; b) Arts & Entertainment; c) Business; d) Computers; e) Games; and etc.
Theres also an Ask Jeeves for Kids. You can see in the search box what other kids are asking. Theres a Fun & Games section in AJKids. The Study Tools have ten online study help which are: a) Dictionary: b) Thesaurus; c) Almanac; d) Biography; e) Science; f) Clip Art; g) Astronomy; h) World Atlas; i) Math help; j) History. You can download Ask Jeeves toolbar for free.