WARNING to NEW BUYERS who are planning to purchase anything from Askmebazaar.com
SIMPLY Drop your Plans.
Mark this website as TOTAL FRAUD Website in your mind and forward to your friends and colleagues as well.
My issue not resolved even after 10 months fighting.
I have spent 300% more than actual price of the item JUST on Phone calls to 044-4444-4444 number.
Yes company is in Delhi but, fraud idiots have call center in Chennai.
For any good company, Good shopping sites like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay you can find 1800 toll free number, where customer do not incur any single paisa
Whereas this Fraud Website https://askmebazaar.com is having paid number. That too it will cost too much charges
And idea behind this is, customers call call. . and afraid of call charges and they will get tired and forget it.
BELIEVE me this company CEO may be one of the fraud idiot in the whole industry.
I have 100% proof that I contacted more than 50 times in the last 10+ months for the fraud issue done by FRAUD Askmebazaar.com
And I am not just saying this, I can provide this as proof even in the HIGH COURT.
Ask the CEO of the company to challenge this if this is not fraud company. If I prove 100 times fraud will this CEO pay me Rs.2 crores.
Well known customer like me can suffer this much then imagine normal people
In my case I did not receive item at all but, money not refunded.
My friends got FAKE products. Fake Samsung Charger and Fake memory cards
PLEASE if you want to WARN your friends, relatives and other Indians about Fraud, send them this message.
http://www.askmebazaar.com is totally cheaters shopping site in India.
Contacted their customer care representatives, supervisors, managers, escalation agents, escalation managers more than 50 times. Even got calls many times but, bunch of fraud idiots NOT resolve the case.