today im share my experience about askmebazar.com . One year ago I bought Beat Audio head phone at unbeatable price 499 only from this site yes it is really unbeatable price because they sale fake products online how can they do this with there customers I dont know but this is my worst nightmare ever buying product from a online shop. I had bought this product on December. Actually that time I was looking for a very good headphone specially when I was listen music on my friends headphone he have also Beat audio headphone but that is original product so I fall in love with this brands. So I was searching this brand where I can get low price than market, fortunately on facebook askmebazar displaying ads so I click that link and page was opened so there I found that they were sale Dr. Dre Beat Audio headphone just rupees 499 only and I was amazed when I was seen that ads and I call my friend to check is out but I dont know how he know that this product is fake actually before my decision to get this product he was aware me about this headphone but I dont listen his word.After 5 days later delivery was came and my friend received that delivery and he was laughed at me about this Because there packaging and specially the product. There package is the worst ever I had ever seen even in local shop they can do better packaging from them, Askmebazar just gave me a cupboard box with paste the billing invoice and under the box I found that the product is totally fake I just spend my money on fake product and the product quality was also below category made with plastic and sound quality of the product just I say that the sound is lowest than any normal headphone. Only good thing about that if certainly someone look on your headphone it seems that you have Dr.Dre Beat Audio Headphone thats all.
I can never imagine that could be happened with me ever so I cant recommended to anyone for buying products from this site even they give it on free. Here is nothing good about this online site so before you buy this site please check it. I Hope every one aware of it what is happened to me.