These were the scenarios:
MI Xiaomi-10400 MAH Power Bank delivered to me is fake.
Order Number: AB869778
I got embarrassed seeing that this power bank is not charging even a mobile. Even there is not written invoice available inside the box. Then I came to know that this is DUPLICATE power bank.
I want my money refund as I dont want this kind of fake products.
Thanks and Regards,
Krunal Modi
After a call with one of the customer representative, I got a promo code BZQRC3ABWPER.
Its value was Rs. 300.
Then I purchased a USB speakers Order No. AB1181119 worth Rs.179. Coupon code applied for 179 and you are taking Rs 25 extra for delivery. This is embarrassing. This is not completed here, I cant use remaining amount of coupon value(Rs. 121).
I want to cancel this order and need my total refund back which is Rs.449 for MI fake power bank.
I need refund urgently in 1-2 days, otherwise I WILL MAIL TO CONSUMER FORUM FOR MAKING THIS FRAUD.
Thanks and Regards,
Krunal Modi
After these mails, they are saying that they can do nothing now. Saalo ne hath upar kar diye:(