Hi friends I am here to share my experience on askme bazar. Few month before I got an sms from askme bazzar of 250 discount on purchase of 1000 rs product, so then I got askme bazzar site for buy a toaster I choose a popup toaster of maharaja of price 1300 so I order it on cash on delivery and added 250 rupees promo code now the toaster is of 1050 rupees askme bazzar said that the product will reach me in 4 working days.so I wait for it but after 6 days also I dont get my toaster.then I contect to askme bazzar for it they told me that I have to wait for few more days product will be deliverd so I wait few more days but product not come I again call askme bazzar they again tell me to wait .then after 20 days I call again and ask them for the product this they said that the product will be canceled .i am surprised I ask him who cancel it and his answer is that we dont having stock thats why product will be cancel and conversation complete?.after experience this I never order on askme bazzar.friend this is my personal view about this app not any type of intention of disliking it. Thank you.