I would share a real and very bed exprience with askmebazaar.com. I dont suggest any one to buy any thing from this e-commerce site, beacuse its deliverd very waste and locat quality product. two month ago I orderd a earphone which is displayed on this website as sony brand. im very happy and wait 6 day to deliverd this product, than after received a different and local quality ear phone.
I login to this site for complain fo this product and I have registered my complain, and tell me they will pickup this product that will return back my money with in 15 days. I wait to responce of my request as long time.
And today, after two month ago till there no any update and responce related to this complain. all product of askmebazzar.com are duplicate and fake. if you want to return or refund your product, there are no any responce. I really suggest you please do not buy anything from this website.