Assassins Creed was supposed to be a Prince Of Persia spin-off. Now its a million-dollar franchise. Being Ubisofts Golden bird, this series has made some huge changes to the open-world game genre, amd the gaming industry as a whole. But is it a good game? Kind of.CONCEPT: The game has a unique premise- you play as Altäir Ibn La-Ahad, an Assassin, during 1191AD, who has to regain his place in the Brotherhood by asassinating Templars: their arch enemy. Alomg this, there is also a real world story where you play as Desmond Miles, an assassin who rejects his purpose, omly to be kidnapped by The Templars and put in a machine called the Animus, in order to re-live Altäirs memories, which contains the location of a World-changing power. As a foundation of the franchise, it really sets a universe in place, and playing as an assassin with hidden blades protruding from his sleeves makes a VERRRRY enjoyable idea.EXECUTION: The game, released in 2007, did create a big splash in the market, whic has led to Ubisoft turning it into one of its premier game series. Now, however, it does pale in comparison to its sequels. The game itself is polished well, the graphics and art style show a blend of the past and the future. There is a information tab/codex database that fleshes out the world- and it is written in a documentary-styled format that gives the game. A Historically accurate feeling. The parkour is a much grounded version of that of Prince Of Persia. Except for the part where you climb a tall tower and jump off( which doesnt detract from its AWESOME! factor. The melee combat isnt that refined, and its apparent especially in the later missions where you are forced to fight a bunch of soldiers. There are a lot of side-activites, like collecting flags, assassinating targets, climbing towers to show important places on the map, fighting powerful Templars. But, its really the repetitive gameplay loop that lets the game down. You go to an areas Assassin Bureau, meet the head, complete repetitive quests to find information, then assassinate the mark and spend time talking to your dead target, then go back to the bureau to show off your bloody feather, escape the city. Rinse and repeat. Theres only so much you can do with such a limited variety of missions.VERDICT: Inspite of its repetitive game play and unrefined combat, this game is still a great game, and it really sold the idea of the Assassins Creed franchise to the world.
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