Astitva - A possibility that could happen in anyones life. At any age if you are looking for a companion and if the compatibility is there then age shouldnt be a factor....BUT does our society accept it??!!!!!!!!!
Director- Ajay Sinha....Great job overall and no comparision to those Kkkk serials.
As with all the other serials even this one has extra marital affair. Even though Dr.Simran is the best qualified wife both in professional and personal way, Abhi being in tremendous love with Dr.Simran vanishes within less than a year after marriage......Why???!!
Fine, granted that Abhi is having an affair with Kiran and Dr.Simran has given him innumerable chances to forgive him and also an ultimatum to choose between her and Kiran and now that Abhi had made his decision pls dont let them back together as it would have no meaning to Dr.Simrans sacrifices she made in her life. It will be just like all the other serials, a typical bharitya nari who is always forgiving but doesnt have her Astitva in life.....instead the story should carry on without Abhi in Simrans life but another character in her life who is also younger than her but is well suited and is completely opposite of Abhi in taking care of her someone like the psychiatric doctor...her Siss friend. Even though Dr.Manus is the best suitable character for Dr.Simran, the story line would be little out of proportion as the main theme of the story is, Can such marriages work ??!!! Even with the generation gap and the denial of our society. Instead, let Dr.Manus and Dr.Simran be good friends and also, that will show the other side of the story to the society that a man and woman can be good friends and colleague without having an affair or being in a relationship. A good lesson to learn for everyone.
The story got off with a good start being different then the rest of Kks serials. It surely was a heads up to both the families accepting the situation (except few characters like Abhis mother) and an inspiration to the society that, accept the bahu with her qualities where age shouldnt be a factor but on the other hand breaking the marriage within a year proves to our society that such marriages cannot last due to the generation and maturity gap. Instead make the correction and like a normal couple in any other serial even if Abhi/Simron did break up let the story line continue with someone younger than Simron and prove that such marriages do work and also that way a lesson would be taught to Abhi...and the acceptance in our society to the gals in similar situation.
To conclude, Director- Ajay Sinha......stick to the real theme of the storyline and keep up the good work.