I dont usually watch a lot of TV programs, but this is one serial that I truly enjoy... Older woman, younger man relationships have not really been explored in our entertainment until recently, and boy are they trying to cover up their territory all at once!
Simran(Niki Aneja) is a 34 year old doctor who falls for 24 yr old Abhimanyu(Varun Badola), and they soon get married depsite heavy parental opposition on both sides. Soon after Simran gets pregnant, Abhi becomes estranged and depressed because he is not really able to relate to his wife as much as before, and consequently gets into a relationship with his secretary Kiran. (Hey, can someone tell me what her name is?)
All actors in this serial have given an honest, sincere performance, and their portrayal is truly remarkable. A special mention of Nandita Puri, who played the part of Simrans mother. She was so realistic and natural to the core.. and yes my mother would show the same amount of concern for me... Watch it if you get a chance.