The title song is amazing. The picturization of the song is also worth noticing. Niki Aneja, the lead actress looks awesome in the pink suit.
Simren, the lead heroine of this serial is the most dignified character. Her character shows that if you are clear in you thoughts and true to yourself, then no matter how many hardships you go through, you will surely come out of it. Also in the initial part of the serial, it was highlighted through Simren`s character, that if you love someone, you let him free, and he would come back to you. Though it was proved wrong in the later episodes, but that was because of Abhimanyu`s ego. Still we can expect that Abhimanyu would soon realize what he has lost by cheating Simren. Her broad outlook towards relationships and towards life is incredible.
However, the fact that no matter how strong a person is, emotional matters affects the most and the strength and confidence that the person possesses is shaken to a large extent, is shown very well in this serial. The feeling of being duped by the most important man in your life , is not easy to handle. The amount of stress she has gone through in her marriage with Abhimanyu cannot be ignored.
Abhimanyu: Photographer by profession. He is a guy with ego at its peak. He tries to do things that suit him the best, and still is not happy with whatever he is doing. His character is very weak and has no conviction of whatever he is doing, because he knows that he is wrong and is not true to his concience. In the serial, he is seen as always sitting home doing nothing and just thinking and rethinking about the happenings of his life. This character shows how a person tends to blame others for whatever is happening with him. Also, how ego can mess up everything in life.
Manas: My favourite character in the serial. He is a man of conviction. He knows what is right and what is wrong, and does not hesitate to take the right step, even if the people around him does not accept it. He does not wait for things to happen and gives it a conclusion himself if he is not convinced with the happenings. He divorcing his wife is a proof to this. Also, the support he extends to Simren is also remarkable. His character shows how a person would be if he is crystal clear in his thoughts. I like the pure friendship that Manas and Simren share. Their level of understanding is amazing. Such friendship is hard to be seen in today`s world. And even if such relationships exist, it would create problems for others who are not able to accept their friendship. That is what is shown in the serial.
Kiran : The previous actress who played this role was better than the new one. This character shows how a girl with an ambition to come up in life and in her career, falls in love with the most popular photographer, Abhimanyu, and succeeds to break his marriage with Simren. Though Kiran plays negative in the serial, still whatever she is fighting is right. It serves right for Abhimanyu. For a man who thinks he can have his way out and can play with anybody`s feelings, a woman like Kiran is ideal. Her nature to fight for her rights by hook or crook would make abhi realize what he has lost, the humble, flexible and understanding Simren.
Urmila : Manas`s ex wife. A woman who searched for happiness outside her family and got nothing but insults and isolation in return. Urmila doubted on Manas`s and Simren`s relationship.She thought that by breaking up with Manas, she would be able to be happy, but all in vain. She is left alone with no support and no security, both financial and emotional.
Abhimanyu gave Simren immense pain , and even simren got shattered with the way things were moving, but, she has come out of it totally. She has taken enough of it. Every now and then, she used to go through an emotional crisis. She now has learnt how to live life and has decided not to tolerate any crap happening with her.
Her decision of divorcing Abhimanyu has proved to be the best way to perturb him. Though her intention was not to do so. She just wanted to get out of a worthless relationship. By doing this, Abhimanyu`s male ego has got hurt, so much that he has now got married to Kiran. Thanks to abhi`s mom who encouraged this. The serial is taking a nice turn now. The way Kiran`s expectations after marriage is not getting fulfilled is well shown.
We can expect a good number of interesting episodes in this serial before it becomes a drag.This is one show I look forward to watch evey Sunday to Wednesday.