I’ve been interested in astrology since a long time. Many people think that it is nonsense, and I have had some arguments with some of my friends over this topic. Mostly I don’t care what they believe in as long as they don’t try to impose their views on me.I also study astrology as a hobby and have read several books on the topic. Both classics and modern authors.
I look for astrology on the Internet sometimes, and my newest find is https://astrobix.com. I think it’s a very good site for anyone who is interested in Vedic astrology.
Strong points
Lots of free charts and predictions. I found analysis for marriage compatibility, kaalsarp, manglik dosha, rashifala, etc.Good and comprehensive daily analysis section with details of the Panchang, rahukaal and chogadia.Lal kitab remedies.
ran into some snags and problems in usability. I guess this is because it’s a new site and there’s work going on.
There’s not much information about who’s the company that is making this website.
Often astrology sites start with a lot of fanfare but then get deleted after a little while without notice. I sure hope this doesn’t happen to astrobix.com.