I bought an Asus P320, after doing decent amount of R&D, given that all my R&D revolves around playing tic tac toe, with options avialable. My previous phone was a low end slim Samsung, which made and received calls, and also did SMS, and thankfully doublled as a brick when the need arose.
This is a relatively small phone for a "geek" phone. and has a lot of features for one such. It is small enough that it would feature on TRICKY TV. It has gotten me some time to get used to this phone, a perfectly normal thing given that I took close to an hour to figure how to open the microwave door. It sits in the pocket and for its price and form factor, from a "remorseful buy, " I have upgraded this to liveable "evil".
Initially I liked the SMS discussion thread feature, it reminded me what was the last monosylabble my boss replied in. The ability to synchornize mail and calendar was a good plus, saw to that I did not miss my meetings, and did not have to log on to find the call in number for meetings. Later on I have discovered that the GPRS and wireless networking are good, and I could find cricket scores on the road. I could also orkut on the run. The RSS feed is gods gift, it is also a great feature. This is the ROADRUNNER. The music is awesome(with a small price of battery life to pay). I liked that the last few numbers appear along with the number keypad while making a call. It has fallen down a couple of times(one of the times I tried to use it as a brick) but came out unscathed. The landscape / potrait option of the phone is also cool.
This phone is really really slow, as slow as my low end samsung phone, I do watch snails cross the road in the mornings(you know my tolerance level for slowness). You almost cannot use your finger to leverage the touch screen you invariably have to leverage the stylus or pay the price of un expected behaviour. The number pad is sad, you need the stylus to make a call. I did not like that I have to reset this phone at least once a day, and remove the battery at least once in a couple of days. The way the screen gets activiated on a incoming call is also a bother, it actually triggers other applications unintentionally. Its sound quality was not as good as the Samsung low end phone I had. Its battery life is debatable. Only one game on it, and challenged as I am, I cannot get any other game on it. Its camera and ablitiy to browse pictures is a sad affair. The settings options are also very non friendly.
Comparatively with a candybar phone, I miss making calls with one hand, taking calls on a two wheeler. I miss the good vibratory feature, which I confess I have only used for its inteded purposes.
If you have already bought this phone you can live with it.