Pathetic Guys before you buy this phone or any other smartphone I would like you to google " ISSUES WITH( name of the phone you would like to buy) so that you would know the problems of the existing users of the cell phone, which I realised after buying Asus zenfone 551 ml with four gb ram .
The phone does not support TOOL KIT for the second sim .I am in the business of mobile recharge and other such services and as such this cellphone is absolutely useless as it does not support TOOL KIT for the second sim .
This was pointed out to the most unprofessional call centre of ASUS who do not understand anything in context to mobile phones .
Later on I came to know from the service centre management that the employees at the call centre have been given instructions from their seniors not to speak to the customers for more than 2 minutes .
I had experienced this and whenever I used to call the call centre employee used to hang up the phone only for me to believe in what the service centre management staff said.
The phone neither supports video calling on messenger application.
The back cover of this phone is not elastic and it cracked upon opening the panel within 20 days of buying, the quality of the back panel is pathetic.
Next to go faulty was the speaker which had to be replaced within 2 months of purchase.
Another drawback with the phone is the design of its back cover, its impossible to type when kept on a table as the back panel is oval .
As such its not worth buying this phone .
Its worthless Spending so much on this phone and not getting the basic features which allmost all smartphones have.