My friend bought this phone I have used it many times but I didnt liked it much.All thing was right but I didnt liked the touch and the feel of that phone.I think that the look can also be better at that budget.When I was using it it was just like kagsjejghwggwkgwjacgsjfajagywcajufwwksjgshsicskgwjjsfwjisghwsigwbgsifwhiswvfwivwugewutwhsiehecwhuegwjsigwvejgeevjduegejeiehebhsgwhwiwywgejeiegejeiegejiehekeidgevekudghekeogejdiihejduehjeeiekbeeh8kefwjfsjghjShhEhkSvkshskjsjjassjafsjgsksnusejbeishsjejejdjdjjenjsnidgsmsijheneodbkwfskvwkabenwibswknwn2kskkwkwbsixnwksusbqozvnwkwnsodnkskdbej .?????? I understood nothing in that phone so l will not ever prefer anyone to buy this