Brought asus ZenFone 5 from flipkart few months ago. Camera is not enough good usually for those pictures lovers and mainly for selfie its worst.This phone doesnt help us to take better picture in low light.Battery backup is very very low have to charge it 3times in a day while using 3g or playing heavy graphics game. Coming to gorilla glass shown by company, it is not same as shown in ads or youtube crash test videos.After 3 months of purchase it screen got cracked from left corner just falling from 3foot of height. This just made me angry.Its body should be smaller but still its body design is still good. It is not bad in every aspect as the gaming performance is just amazing.
Overall, ASUS the Zenfone 5 is a fine handset and I enjoyed my time using it. The design is nice, the display looks good and the performance is pretty good, too. Even the UI, which is usually a sore spot with most Android OEMs is great.
There are some minor issues, such as the large bezels, no backlight for navigation buttons, the low storage space, and the godawful GPS, and although the camera and battery life are not terrible they could have been better.