Hello Guy! Well starting from the box Asus provide a transparent back cover with the phone which is of good quality but it will hide the beauty of phone the moment you put the cover on it. Talking about its look I am completely in love with this phone the black variant look damn amazing in our hands. The Display of the phone is crystal clear it just enhance the quality of anything shown on it I can easily compare it with 4k:p Even the display of size of Zenfone 5Z is larger than I phone X which is not too bad! It comes with AI Charging which helps in maintaing the life of battery of this phone which truly needful. Talking about the camera it comes with SONY 12MP camera which is not too bad but the bad thing is that it does not perform so well in terms of video recording, but yeah it comes with an super amazing processor of Qualcomm snapdragon 845 which is ultimately fast. I conclude my self with believe that yes it can give a tough fight to an I phone X:)