Hi iam tejkumar
Good things in this mobile
Bill quality is excellent it is not metal body
One of the major thing is that 5000mah battery is very good thing In display 2.5 glass are protected I thing it is scartch proof
Display 5.99 full hd display are given
Ratio 18: 9 accept ratio IPS LED panel
Display quality is very good and sunlight visibility is good
Colours in display is awesome
Good thing that its is not A. hybrid slot. We can expand memory up to 2 tera bite it supports dual VOLTE
Call quality and signal recication is good
In bottom the speaker are given it is very loud and 3.5 head phone jack are provided on the bottom
All sensor are given they dont skip any sensore except IR BLASTER and finger print sensore at the back. It us very fast to unlock the device
Face unlock are given in update
It supports USB OTG , pendrive, hard disk , keybord , mouse
3gb ram 32gb rom 11000
Ram mangment is good on the led light are present. It comes on snap dragon 636 prosser
No heating problems Soft ware 8.1.0 latest soft ware
One thing double touch to open screen and off. Back camera 13+ 5 is good thing
Front camera 8mp is good
Bad things
Finger print senser is not fast
Slow motion video recording is not given
HDR is over bright
It does not support fast charge
Doesnt have direct video calling support
Call record And. Dobule app not. Support
Reading after plz give a like