Hi all beware of this project and owners
I enquired and booked Two flats on Building A 101/102 on 05/05/2012,
I was promised the super-builtup area 680 Sqft by sales manager Sanjiv Naidu
I paid two cheques of ICICI bank Dombivli Bearing the Cheques no 929117 and 929118 from my salary account.
Since the price was 4000 per sqft, I assumed that will be the area mentioned in agreement,
On 12/05/2012 I called up and casually asked what would be the area mentioned in agreement,
He said it would be 455 Sqft Carpet area, Which was not told to me before
I went and measured the carpet area of sample flat and the dimensions given in the brochure neither of them matched 455 Sqft, they were 372 sqft when measured from wall to wall carpet, excluding gallery and common areas, while it was 368 Sqft according to dimensions’ given in brochure.
Then I asked Mr Sanjiv Naidu to cancel the booking of two flats and gave a application for the same,
He gave me verbal commitment that he would refund the amount by Cheque after six days, On 18 may 2012 when I went and met Mr Naidu,
He said the money cannot be refunded company policy, So he Back tracked on Commitment given 6 days back, He agreed that he was not aware of this policy of company and agreed he has to back track his commitment, he saw the receipt Non-refundable only when my case come up with his Directors
Now he has given me time till tomorrow, to give final word on this issue, i.e 21/05/2012
Here there is deficiency in service, I have not yet made a formal agreement,
I have paid cheque as per verbal agreement with Sales manger Naidu,
When I saw the mutually agreed area does not match the To be Registered Agreement area I asked for cancellation and refund, which he agreed verbally and I gave the application he asked me six days time.
And on the sixth day he doesn’t honor even that commitment,
I have filed a consumer complaint for my refund
Company website and details is https://atlantainfra.co.in/
Company registered address: 101, Shree Ambashanti Chambers, Andheri Kurla Road Opposite Leela Hotel, Andheri East, Mumbai 400059
Rajhoo Bbarot
Managing Director
Narayan Joshi
Company Secertary & Compliance Officer
Rikiin Bbarot
Execuitve Director
Mahesh Koirala
Chief Financial Officer