I have worked in Atlas for good amount of years. When my bond got over, the very next day I initiated my resignation from the company.
- The worst terrible management I have ever seen in any company. Management is having a terribly cheap attitude. They are doing local market management over there.
Management don’t know how to talk to people, how to behave to people. Employees are treated as SLAVES.
- The official working hours in 10 AM - 8 PM. But it will never over by 8 PM. Every day the working hours will go till night 10-11 PM. At any cost you have to be in office at morning 10 AM, otherwise you will have to give explanation. The funny thing is if you are done with the work early, you CANNOT leave office. You have to be in office till 8 PM.
3.Everyday there will be release to the client. Sometimes there will be morning, afternoon and eveining build and night build.
- Everyday there is a morning meeting of 1 hour to give the status of work. This shows the vulnerability of poor management. And if you are Tech lead, you are screwed .
up. You will have afternoon meeting and evening meeting, So total 3 hours of meeting. And you need to complete your assigned work [work will be lot more than a senior developer] and you need to help and monitor your team members.
5.Everytime the manager will come at your desk and ask the status of your work. You cannot never do research and do a good work.
- If you are doing some research and taking some extra time to complete your work, you will get feedback meeting. You will easily get fed up after feedback meetings.
7.Almost all saturdays and sundays are working. NO compensation for saturday and sunday working.
8.You cannot enjoy 80% of the public holidays. Not even on festivals.
9.If you have enough vacation leave in your pocket, still you won’t able to avail it. As per company rule, you need to apply only before 2 months. But if your applying 1 year back also, most of the cases you wouldn’t get your APPROVED vacation leave.
- They will offer you good salary. But you will easily get fed up in 2-3 months. I gaurantee.
And lot of things to say.
One last advice. If you want to still give an interview for Atlas, please talk to any of the employee in Atlas about the cheap work culture over there.