The size of the book wouldn’t look shrugged to anyone to start with. And only the much bored or the avid book reading types would be brave enough to venture into picking up this book. I am a person who generally likes reading who would read anything from a Lord of the rings to a Robin Cook. I had picked up two of Ayn R’s books the other being “We the living” from my friend’s collection, being warned in advance that I would have to practice patience and somehow cross the 50 page mark to get the grip of the book. Since it was one of those times when I had nothing better to do than hit the bed, I challenged him saying I was sure to finish both. Back home my sister said this was one of those books that her best friend had read n number of times and used to quote as well. So very enthusiastically I started the book that very night. And guess what I fell asleep before finishing the preface. The next day though I had nothing better to do I didn’t dare pick up the book. Again at night I ventured into reading thinking I was probably too weary to read yesterday (tired of doing what is the part I couldn’t quite figure out) but today was no different from last night. The next day I had in fact started with the other Ayn R and I found it so gripping that I finished it in a couple of days. My friend was quite surprised when I told him that and said I would definitely be able to finish “Atlas shrugged” because he found “We the living” depressing and quite drab. I have made loads of effort, started reading the book afresh but nothing seems to work. I haven’t been able to cross 25 pages of the book as yet and it has been past 2 months since I borrowed the book. Its high time I returned the books back. But after reading the other reviews about the book I would positively make another effort in starting the book. I believe I have lots of patience certainly enough to read all the reviews about a book that I found uninteresting. So I must have enough in me to read the book itself.