If u find the the world too complex and confusing.Then read this book.The essence behind the functioning of the world is there is this book.Nobody can present the world to you more conveniently.After reading this book, no matter what knowledge you pursue, you are already omniscient.The truth of the world is known to you.It is a horrible truth but u now know it.After that there is only one thing to do.Stop and make your choice.The existence of death or the choice to live.The decision to reason or the decision to deceive onself. To victimise or to be a victim.The strike shall never happen in the real world.We must be victims.I have chosen to be a victim.Tell me your choice when u finish reading.I worship Ayn because she is the omnipotent and the omniscient.She worships the God I worship:REASON.So I shall live the rest of my life in contentment knowing that a woman like Ayn has existed.And as long as such people are born there is hope for this world.