Audi Is My First Brand Which I Like. I Say A Movie of Jason Statham which name is "The Transporter"
In this movie I say Audi A8 First time in my life than I like it and I am not a rich person thats way I think this is just my dream not real for me but when I will be join "Tianshi International" Company which is based on MLM than I got many training on success now I believe on my self I will be purchase AUDI A8 in Date 07/07/2023, Time 07:07:07pm right time this is my target.
I Like this vehicle Audi A8 just for its comfortable seats gear system, self drive, road safety, self parking, its look and its high speed or a good brand.There is no driving experience in Audi A8 Because I already describe that this is my dream car. But I belief that this is comfortable and easy to drive.
Every body who want batter look for this car and want a luxury drive will be purchased that I say business man is also purchased AUDI A8.But the racer not purchased because according to my experience thay need a high speed which is not in Audi A8 but Audi R8 is also good for those peoples who want high speed.