Yes, I soundly support my title, Australia were, are and will be cricket champions.
They cant be rated only 3 successive one day matches. These losses will just bring the Aussies from behind , beat everybody and will be number one cricketing nation.
They are superior in all departments as compared to other cricketing nations.
They are thorough professionals, who put in 110% on the field, which make them such a strong team.
They play as a team, they dont play for individuals or do they look at making money.
They have already established themselves a position where the other nations cant even think of reaching that position.
The team is lead by a great captain (Steve Waugh), a cool captain, but he is mentally so strong that other team captains can learn from him.
I am an extreme lover of cricket, and whenever I see the Aussie team playing , my interest in the game increases doubly.
There is a lot of things that the other cricketing nations can learn from Aussies.
At both the levels ( One dayers and Tests ), they are unreachable .They are excellent.