I had bought a Tata Indica DLX, Blue color, from your Koramangla Showroom just three months back, and since then I have drove this car peacefully without any complaints for just a month.
From the second months onwards we realized that Automart has cheated us.
To start with, the first problem that I faced was oil leeking which would happen very frequently and soon realized that the oil seal is gone and we had to fix it in a different place as they denied to take my car for servicing just on the second month.
The next problem that I started facing was the that fuse would go off very frequently as a result of which the fan would stop working leading to leeking of coolant. This continued for almost three to four times and finally they agreed to take my car for servicing.
They kept my car for almost 5 days. Then on 25th May after taking out my car from the Koramangla Branch as I was going to office there was a short circuit in the fuse box and it caught fire, the battery burnt and my husband also got injured.
Mr. Kiran the mechanic from Koramangla Branch towed the car back to their showroom. Mr. Gautam who heads the Koramangla Branch was not in town to help me so for the next one-week the car was lying there and the mechanics said that they couldn’t do anything. I tried speaking to Mr. Kailash, who was suppose to take care when Mr. Gautam is not around, but I have to say he is very rude and have no sense of customer service. Finally when Mr. Gautam came that was on Tuesday 31st May. The first thing he asked is to claim for insurance and they will speak to the Concord Showroom guys to fix the wiring.
After a long long wait finally today 2nd May 2005 I had to manage Concord Showroom to tow my vehicle to their showroom. When I saw my Car after so many days I realized that nobody even even bothered to take care of it and there was a rat inside my car which made big holes on the carpet of the car and bit all the wires internally and now I have to not only fix the external wire but also Internal wire. The rat also bit the sit cover.
When I tried speaking to Mr. Gautam asking for an explanation what he said is that what can he do if rat spoiled my car.
Is that what you call good service? They are Fraud ! And I will sue them .