Well I guess its still sometime before I can plan to get a car of my own but whenever it comes, it will be a manual one.
You might ask me - how come you have already decided on the transmission when you havent got a car yet. Well ofcourse I cant decide on it after buying LOL.
I have a bike and it is manual. I have ridden some of the new scooters with the automatic transmission and found them to be having pretty good power.
But like the accelerator, brakes etc I like to have even the GEARS in my control rather than allow a machine to do it for me.
It all comes down to the particular persons choice. If you want it EASY then get an Automatic but if you want some excitement then it has to be Manual.
Manual allows me to shift as and when I want which gives me more confidence in turns and overtaking and I am yet to see someone popping the front wheel into the air or burn out on an automatic machine. The once in a while False Neutral which gets the engine screaming and has everyone turning in your direction - atleast their heads is something I guess cannot happen in a automatic.
It gives me a felling of Full Control on the machine rather than being intimidated by the automatic thing and when these few digit power of a bike with manual control is so exciting, I believe it can only be better in a 4-wheeler where the BHP is 3 digit.
Thatz my view. But if you have too many things in life to worry and would like a tension free ride/drive then all those hours and $s of research to develop the automatics have been spent just for you.
Wish you all a Happy and Safe Ride.