There are these alien beings who are obsessed with earth things like a car. I am one of them. I own a brand new Toyota Corolla but boy did I have sleepless nights whether to go for Manual or Auto gear.
These were the Points for Auto that I could accept:
Automatic transmissions generate more heat than manuals, but a good cooler negates this problem.
No doubt about it, automatic-equipped off-road vehicles are easier to drive off-road than 4x4s with manuals.
There are numerous modifications available for automatics to make them work better for off-roading.
Autos can handle larger tires better than a manual when incorrect axle gearing is used.
With an automatic, power is not lost between shifts because you dont have to let off the gas.
Backing down really steep hills is easier with an auto. The vehicle can be left in Drive and allowed to coast rearward and when the vehicle like truck needs to be slowed, the throttle is applied rather than the brake. This gives better control.
Autos have built-in slippage, which can work in your favor under certain off-road conditions.
With an auto, you can concentrate on using only two controls: the brake and the throttle. With a manual, you have to nurse the clutch, as well as those other controls.
Shifting is much, much quicker with an auto. Also, theres no such thing as ablown shift with an automatic.
On slippery surfaces, you can feed the power gently with an automatic very easily, while doing the same with a manual requires a high level of skill.
When driving over rough terrain an automatic is much more forgiving than a manual when it comes to delivering jolts and impacts to the drive line. Here, that slips works for you. With a manual, if one tire hooks up under heavy power on, say, bare rock, you can snap an axle or damage a CV-joint more easily.
These were the cons for Manual that I could accept:
Youll get better gas mileage with a manual trans.
A manual transmission is a more efficient power transmitter than an automatic. Considerable power is lost via the built-in slippage inside a torque converter.
Properly maintained, a manual bans will normally outlast an automatic transmission, though one must expect a clutch replacement along the way.
When using a manual, you can count on the bans staying in the gear you select. With many autos, if you over-rev a lower gear, it will kick into the next higher gear automatically. This could allow the engine fall off the power curve when you most need it.
And this listing of points went on and on. But there was one factor that made me decide come what may it will be Manual for me - and that is:
You can push-start a vehicle if the starting system fails. This is not possible with a stock automatic!
So far I have not push-started, but then it is heartening to know that nothing is out of control and this comfort feeling comes only with a Manual.