We got a gift voucher from JetLite on 23rd June 2008 while traveling from Bhubaneswar to New Delhi. We paid Rs 490/- at the AVA delivery counter and were told that the item would be delivered within 14 days as the item was not available at the counter.
Till this date, we have neither received the item nor got any specific information regarding the status, even after calling them over and over again. All the people who took my calls had a similar response - "Your request will be forwarded to the respective department and thay will call you back". I have not received a single call from them. When I asked them their names, they cut the line.
Once I managed to get through to a person called Sachin, and he gave me the courier docket number saying that it is already
couriered through https://aramex.com. When I checked the status of shipment in the courier website, no such docket number was found. I called him again and then he told me that, the shipment of whole of UP state has been delayed due to some reason and they have now been shipped through another courier service(he was not sure if it was blue dart or aramex) and he shall give me the new docket number in a day or two. Again its already two weeks now and he has not called me back and also now I am unable to get him as he is not picking my phone. I have been trying several times and getting no replies. It is indeed disgusting.
After more than 2.5 months, today again I called AVA and had to listen to the same answer which was quite irritating. I am frustrated with the kind of service they are providing. If they cannot deliver the items within 14 days, why do they promise such things in the first place? and is it not the duty of the Airlines/AVA merchandising to at least inform us about the delays if at all happened?
Today is 10th of Sept and finally the courier packet reached me.but as expected.The pearl necklace was in broken condition. This is ridiculous.I am sure this might not be due to poor packing and transport rather the part was missing. If it had broken on the way, I could have found the broken part in the packet itself. Thank God, we paid only Rs 490+ telephone calls. I understand the frustration of people who buy these necklaces for thousand of bucks and receive it in broken condition. Moreover, Yes there is a warranty card inside which says that the item can be replaced if received in bad condition. I have no strength left to send the necklace back to the same disgusting people who will again take 4 months to send back the replaced necklace.I really do not want to go into this again.
But its an eye opener to never go for these kind of shopping /shipping in future.