This review is based on my own experience of being associated with ASTA since Dec 2022.
ASTA will provide a wonderful environment for you to be an independent trader. However, to get success, one needs to follow the guidance provided by ASTA and practice. ASTA will not give any recommendations to anyone. It is an institute to train you. ASTA will be with you throughout your journey. The trainers, leaders, coordinators, senior monitors, monitors, buddies and Avdhut sir himself will put all their efforts to support you. As far as fees is concerned, the amount may sound high to someone but the value it delivers is priceless. I can assure you if you are active in ASTA’s various programs you can derive tremendous value. Please note that after completion of GEO program there are many revision sessions to clarify your doubts. The ASTA Satsang leaders also provide psychological as well as training support. You can discuss your trades with them, and they do help to find required improvements. Please note you need to take trades based on set ups taught and following risk and money management rules.
ASTA is for someone who:
Is willing to invest his time and efforts to be an independent trader
Want to take trades by following set ups and money & risk management rules
Is looking for small profits by following a process
ASTA is NOT for someone who:
Is looking for tips.
Wants to make huge profits without any studies.
Blames others for own failures.
Do not want to invest time and efforts to be an independent trader.