Okay, theyre alien life forms, but their bodies resemble humans completely and the lack of clothing ( bare breasts and nipples) were a problem for me. Most of the time, the females are covered - when viewed from the front, by a necklace, but there are 5 or 6 occasions where you get a good, clear profile of a bare breast with an erect nipple right in front of you.
Theres also a sex scene. You dont see any graphic hard core sex, but they make out and moan some. You have no doubt as to what they are doing, especially when she states after they finish ( and shes straddling his lap) that they have now mated for life.The storyline was great. I wasnt even bothered by the whole Mother of the planet topics. But to say that sex isnt an issue in this movie is misleading. If the nudity had been made clear, I would not have gone to see it. So, parents, if you wouldnt take your teen to a movie where they show a womans bare breast in profile 5 or 6 times, dont take them to see this. The only difference between what you see in this movie and what you see in real life is that the breast in question is blue.