Aviva Life Insurance is a Big Cheat! You would not even get what you have invested. They contain a bunch of looters who would make big fool out of you. Dont even buy their terms plans. This cheater company will never pay anything to your family incase of any eventuality.
Please stay away form this Insurance company. Also I feel that due to this reputation, this company might close down very soon. All those who have invested in Aviva- Look into you r fund value It will be between 55-70% of your invested value. Look into your surrender value It shall be 15% of your invseted value. Biggest Cheaters in the world ever.
Why would you simply invest less money in terms plans tio secure your family when you know that this company is a big cheat. Please understand that offering low premiums on terms plans purely means that they will cheat on a lot of cutomers to stay in the market. Dont blindly trust any company.
Why would you fund value not rise even after the marked is high? It clearly shows that the company is not customer centric and sitting in the market to fool people.
Remeember my advise, dont even go near the office of this company. I will slap the CEO when I see him