I had taken the Avivas ULIP Plan Life Bond 5 in 2004. I have paid Rs. 10 Lacs to Aviva till year and have got tremendous tax-free return. Today my fund value is Rs. 16.35 Lacs. I do not know why people have wrote such comments about Aviva. It may be because of they were told about something and at the end, got something else. Dear Friends, whenever you buy an insurance/investment product from any company, along with the policy you get one document which states all the terms and conditions related to that product. One should critically read that document so that you can actually understand the product. Once I also got in touch with one of LIC agent and he told me that if I would pay Rs. 1 Lac for 3 years in LICs market plus plan, I would get Rs. 1.6 Crore after 20 years and across India around 3 crore people invested in that plan that too without looking at the actual product and terms & conditions. In actuality the plan was different one but just because the agent was mis-selling that product, LIC got very negative feedback from the market and investors.
So its not the company which sells bad product, but its people who can make or break the company. But even if we all can be a little careful in choosing the product, we would definitely get good results. I am one of Avivas satisfied customer and I have their best advisor who is handling my portfolio. So it is also important to not to believe on agents claims blindfolded, keep your mind & eyes open and then go for a particlar product. Every insurance company provides 15 days freelook period after issuance of policy so that if you want to reconsider or change your decision on the product, you can do that.
My advisor has provided me personalised services and designed the products as per need in terms of insurance and in terms of investments.