I am sorry to say Aviva Dhan Varsha is not good in terms of returns. The returns are less than 9% and government returns are currently little more than 9%.
This policy is not recommended for savings and investment.
I am a customer of Aviva(policy number: NDV3069930). The experience I have faced in Aviva is very poor. The company promises many things during application and does not deliver it after initiating the policy.
The sales person fillsup the policy form and the team does not even give a call before activating the policy. They did not check my address, phone number, communication address or any detail. However when you call them, they will ask every detail under the sun to verify if you are the same person.
The policy document was not sent to me which was promised during registration. The policy does not offer 9% return which was promised during registration.
When I call them back to cancel my policy they ask me to visit branch with policy document to cancel the document, however they send the policy to wrong address.
They make it impossible for people to reconsider the policy and get money back.
In such a scenario, the claims procedure can be even worst, what if you pay for 15-20 years and then realise you dont get your money back.
The company does not help you if you want to get your money back.
Another point: They ask me to change the communication address, but they want an address proof without which they will not change, however they will create a policy without address proof and send policy document also, if you pay premium.
This means the IRDA rules are of customers and not for companies, they can bend rules as and when if they feel like.
I approached to cancel policy with a delay in 1 week, this is due to their flipflop of sending the document to wrong address.
However when you complaint they respond to you in gap of 7-10 days.
My suggestion is never buy an Aviva Policy.