I and my brother got Life bond five and was comitted 40% guarnteed return. I was not told that we cannot withdraw our money before 3 years and we have to pay atleast 3 premium. We deposited all the three and now we were told that on the withdrawl we have to pay this and that charges.
We are happy that we have divereted many close friends towards other mutual funds to save them from loss we have suffered. My fund value as on 30-1-2009 is around Rs. 62, 000 and I have deposited Rs. 75, 000 in last 4 years. I wonder why I have not kept my money in saving account.
My best advice to all the readers is never believe in what they say. The documents they deliever are so techinical that you cannot draw a conclusion. I not only lost the interest but at present I cannot get my priciple money back.