Avon...Trust me, I have had my fair share of Avon door to door saleswomen knocking on my frontdoor step...It kind of gets annoying when they dont wanna leave...
Theyre actual words are (please madam keep the brochure and just browse through the magazine)
But actual Avon products are pretty good and that too at competitive prices...
The only down fall was that Avon takes forever to deliver the goods. Okay maybe Im over exaggerating. It takes two weeks in total to be exact back in England...I havent quite tried to see how the service is back here in India. Im not even sure if there is a door to door service back here...
The key thing is that the product I liked the most was volluptuous eye mascara... It comes in a array of colours...plus it does wonders for your lashes...
Okay so its a little difficult to wash out the next day...A little elbow grese is needed. But none the less like I said it seriously does do wonders for your lashes...
So come on girls throw away those fake eyelashes you spend so much money on and go try Avons greatest eye mascara...
It definitly brings out your eyes...