Deodorants have changed the concept of body odours now a days. They have made many people to smile and saved them from being harassed in the public. The body odour is not a bad thing but it puts a person under a bad impression that what a careless person he or she would be who cant take care of his or her body.
The body odour creates a very bad impression on the companions. But, thanks to the AXE as with its introduction into the market it gave a huge customers a base to rely on. Its really nice one with a good variety of fragrances. It gives you confidence when you put it up. You get some sort of relaxation as you are confident that no one would be commenting on your body odour as you have made a protecting shield on yourself.
In India its launch was a bigger success because its advertisement was so impressive. Although it showed a guy with the huge number of girl fans around him and following him like he did some magic on them.
It reminds me of Pied Pipers story, who took away the huge army of mice away from the city with his spell bonding music. But, in this advertisement this guy took the girls of the city after being betrayed in the deal. Good Idea !!
This deodorant has a special effect which can give you a boost in confidence. Its price is also affordable and it varies from the fragrance to fragrance and the size of bottle you are going for.
So guys go for it !!! It can leave an ever lasting effect on your companions.