...and the AXE fell into his yearning, outstretched hands...
Give a man a Battle-Axe and he will suddenly feel macho and ready to mow down the opposition. Give the same man another Axe (body spray) and watch, he will spray himself generously with it. You’d think that he is a much more peace loving animal. Beware, you could be wrong, this man could be more deadly. If he is literally after the opposition with a battle-axe, here, he is planning the downfall of the opposite sex with an ‘axe’ body spray in his hand. In both the cases, the effect is deadly – the ‘Axe effect.’
Most ladies swoon at the first whiff of an Axe body spray, at least that’s what the Ads convey. If you want to create a good impression on the ladies and at the same time look macho sans the battle-axe in your hand, then, try the olfactory route for catching their nose…er…attention. No need of an axe in your hand, all you need is a little AXE on your body…and serious body armour…for protection from ladies.
Fragrance is an essential part of your dress. A nice scent that suits your personality goes a long way in making an honest statement – about you.
Living in India has its fair share of problems, not the least is the heat and dust that one has to cope with. The heat and humidity makes one to easily perspire. The bacteria that are on the body feed on the perspiration and release bye products that give out a pungent smell. This is what we identify as body odour. Sometimes, our perspiration too has an odour of itself depending on our food habits and hygiene.
Strong smelling spices, additives, preservatives, and artificial flavours do their bit in creating an odour which could be anything from the bearable to the intolerable. Out addiction to a particular item could also lead to bad body odour. I found that people who smoke regularly or chew tobacco (zarda) or hit the bottle tend to develop a distinctive body odour. The body odour that is in their perspiration is further aggravated by the bacteria present on the body.
The Indian climate is hot and humid throughout the length and breadth of the country, and makes it imperative to use a body deodorant than mere perfume. A body deodorant is effective in curtailing the activity of the bacteria and other germs on a person’s sweat, thereby reducing bad body odour whereas a perfume merely masks body odour. But what if you have both deodorant and perfume in the same bottle or cannister?
The AXE Body Spray is one such deodorant which is both a deodorizer and a perfume rolled into one. A unique body spray that combines a seductive fragrance with effective deodorant protection. The effect lasts a long long time. The AXE comes in many seductive fragrances – Orion, Voodoo, Phoenix, Essence, etc
The AXE essentials:
As per the print on the pressurized container, it holds within its confines Alcohol (95% v/v, content: 42.5% w/w. Denatured with 3% Diethypphtalate. 152A Fragrance(Isopropyl) Myristate.
Container – Phoenix, all black with silver trimmings.and label.
Classified as: Cologne Deodorant for Men.
Manufactured in India by Midas Care Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd. Marketed by Hindustan Lever Ltd. Under licence from Faberge, Paris.
“Just hold can 6 inches from your body and spray all over including your chest, neck, underarms - all the hot spots.”
Why do I like Phoenix?
I like Phoenix for its slightly subtle, understated, but sensual effect. It is not too heady or bold, but just the right mixture of pleasing cologne and long lasting deodorant. Just a little spray on the chest, neck and underarms is all you need to keep you going confidently for the whole day and face the whole world with poise…and it doesn’t cost you the world to do just that.
I mean you don’t have to pay through your nose to own this spray, but you do need a refined nose, in this case, to appreciate real value for money.
And if people want to get close to you, well, just grin and bear it, or blame it on the AXE Effect.
(C) M B Farookh. Jan, 2005.