In my earlier posts I have written about the importance of smelling good. if you smell good you will have the confidence to do anything. the confidence is very important in the very competetive world. you can bluff with the confidence and everybody will believe you. so its very important that you smell good. the baths are one way of being clean but the smells from the soap does not last all through the day. it is only for the little while. so you need the perfumes and the deoderants for the good smells.
the armpits is one area where you sweat the most. and when you sweat you attract the bacterias. these bacterias make the armpits smelly. and if you are smelly you will make your friends, family and wellwishers feel the yucky. the deodarants have to be spraid in the armpits after the baths. if you are the sweaty person then you can spray the deo more times in a day. it is important that you spray on the skin and not on the cloths. the deoderants will kill the harmful bacteria and you will be smelling like the musk.
there are many brands of deoderants in the shops. one is the axe. I like musky smell so even I use the axe voodoo deo. it is very good, and it is cheap also. much cheaper than the womans deo. the musky smell lasts for quiet a while using the axe. I brush everyday, I have baths everyday, and then use the axe. this makes me smell very nice and my friends, family and wellwishers tell me that. I would suggest everyone to use the axe. it is available in many flavours. and there will be one which you will like to smell like.
keep up the good smell.