I saw the ads on AXE. Too enticing an Ad I must say. I allot 500 bucks only for my personal grooming. This includes toiletries like deo, after shave, before shave .. err I mean shaving cream, shaving blades etc. For deo alone I spend anywhere from 100 to 150 bucks. So when I check in the prices at the super market, I just threw aside the regular I was using ( I would review that one later) and picked up AXE (phoenix). After I tried this, I was really careful while stepping into the elevator.
Here is what I like about AXE deo -
- The AXE effect really last long. (Really long Amaron , ting tong)
Catering to my office needs working round the clock sometimes (experts call it 24 / 7, makes your vocabulary sound sexy) , I feel the faint axe effect when I take a shower, 14 hours after I sprayed it on.
It gives a refreshing and energetic feeling.
It is neither too loud nor too subtle. But after one sprays it on one self, one’s presence becomes more appealing.
It is less expensive. In a way, It is expensive no doubt, but less expensive. I almost use a can a month, if used generously.
You can use it for any occasion. Usually some perfumes aren’t right for parties or functions. How ever also let me add that very few people are going to comment on your perfume and fewer or none would even as to remotely try to wonder if the perfume you used is the right one for the occasion. But then if you strike the right perfume for the right occasion you do make an impression, which of course is complimented by people in their smile or other related gestures rather than in words. I have one set for work and one brand, usually expensive ones, for parties and special occasions. Axe really suited me for all the occasions.
Axe Deo comes in different flavors, Java, Voodoo, Phoenix. While Java is too bland and Voodoo is too loud ( I am usually a quiet guy geez), Phoenix comes as a perfect choice for me. Imagine this when my girl hugs me. She would just hold on to me for a longer time. It’s a nice feeling to have her in my arms just lost in my fragrance. Thanks to Axe.
This particular section is reserved for the best way to use axe. If you are going to office, spray on your elbow lines and neck for half a second. Ok... May be for a second. That’s all you would need. In case you go to parties try this for 5 seconds. When you are going for a date, there are two possibilities. Well, I don’t want to get into details of those possibilities, some of you who are smart enough to get a clue - get it. Coming back to when you are on a date. Spray it on hair for 1 second, on the neck for 3 seconds. Under your shirt for a good 10 seconds. Do let me know how the date went.
Go on guys, go on buy one and be careful while you step into the elevator, and Gals, make sure you get one of the AXE for your guy and drag him into the elevator.
Have a nice elevating day (I can’t stop myself)
Comments most welcome
PS. I actually took the liberty of describing a deo spray as perfume .. because I didnt find the difference- Perhaps the axe effect.