Okay lets be honest how many male customers applied deo of this brands suddenly noticed gorgeous girls started drooling over them? None! A brand that shows in its advertisements that people can really be fooled. If anyone would ask me about this deo I would say "yes its just another deo with good smell". Nothing great in it. The worst part of this axe gold deo lasts for short period of time. If one is expecting one would apply in the morning and it will last till evening, then I afraid one must try other brands. The packing is pretty cool but I guess no one will love to buy a big packet of where 80% is air only. I didnt like this deo at all. But hey! Everyones choice is different. Some people loves it too. So I would suggest next time when u plan to buy any deo or perfume from showroom or mall, plz ask for demo. They keep one bottle for demo purpose. Be a wise and smart customer.