Hi All, I want to bring to your awarness Axis Bank has the worst Email communication. When you send an email through net banking. The mail goes to RM.
From RM, he sends it to concerned branch manager copying you on the personal email like yahoo or gmail.
The branch manager never replies:(
You again send the mail to RM.
The RM, again forwards the mail to branch manger copying you on the email id with them.
The process continues and you are in indefinite loop, I would call in Software term.
I have heared Axis bank as one of the fastest growing banks. I doubt they can able to sustain with this kind of systems in place. Lot of Changes needed.
And to the beauty you dont have an escalation email contact. Eventhough I am not a fan of ICICI bank in many matter, I like their email system and escalation system and the responsiveness to your query.
If you are in a professional job and do most of your transactions online(net banking), Axis bank wont suit you!