My wife had a asap account with axis bank.applied online, but kyc done in local branch of benachity, durgapur, west bengal.a few days after her mobile no changed, so she could not transact by axis bank app via mobile.we went to local bank branch for mobile no change.they said repetitively that it is an online account and will not be serviced by bank .the whole thing was ambiguous as we didnt know the difference between bank account and online asap account.local bank branch was written in pass book as bank branch.but they denied to serve.they gave a customer care no for changing mobile no.the customer care didnt pick up phone after 100s efforts.everytime the line was cut or after selection language, the connection didnt go further through.the worst customer service no, which dont ever allow customer to talk or lodge complain.their emails are also not answerable.
Anyway after 3/4 efforts in bank, we finally decided to talk to operations manager in the branch.he helped to change her mobole no and the service done after 5 days.then we installed the app again and could log in at last.where we could see the balance but could no transact due to 2nd step verification.there they were asking for either net banking password or debit card no.her account didnt have both service, as we didnt consider those essential.also during asap account opening and kyc in bank the bank never told , she needed netbanking password or debit card essentially to make any transaction via app.she had around 3000rs in the account, and every month some 15-20rs were deducted as service charges.still, after such locking, we finally decided to close the account and encash the accumulated amount.we again went to branch operations manager and told him about the problem.he could not help us out, instead suggested closing the account and said accumulated amount would be paid via dd to my wife.she told him that she wanted to keep the account and didnt want to close it, after 11 months only, provided she could make transactions.he couldnt give a she closed the account.that time she had rs 2936.80 in the account.after 7 days someone called me and told cheque is being couriered to our address .but when received the cheque , we found with astonishment that only rs 2346.80 was written on it.where is my rest rs 590?why it is deducted when she was compelled to close the account?during closing oprn manager never told about such is merely a theft from her hard owned money.the customer service, the bank staff service is also a nightmere.worst experience with a cheat bank.