I received a mail, I just paste the body of the received mail.
*Security Alert:
Attention! Your Axis Online Banking Account has been violated!
Someone with IP Address tried to access your personal account!
In accordance with Axis Online Banking User Agreement and to ensure that
your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited.
Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved.
Please follow the link below to resolve this problem:
Thank You.
*Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, Axis ® Bank will
periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements.
The actual url of this mail is not points to axixbank.com rather this mail is coming from this domain https://lanierms.org/WebCalendar//includes/js/index.php?bank= http://www.axisbank.com.
When somebody clicks this mail, he may think that this mail is coming from axis bank, but in reality, he redirects to frauds site and the index page is same as axis bank, when the visitor change his password, his password will be captured by this fraud.
I request all of mouth shuts members, whenever you get this type of mail. Please inform axis bank immediately.
Rs.1 lac has been cheated by this way from my office colleagues axis bank account.