Do not GO with Axis bank ads in TV OR just seeing advertisement of Deepika. This website is Fraud website. All staff is useless and fraud website. They have been trained for these.
I am Information Technology Engineer and expert. I do lot of online shopping. But, recently use Axis Bank to pay my Home Electricity Bill. I have registered for net banking.
I have tried to pay the Electricity bill using online bank of Axis bank. But, I find bill still showing "UN-PAID" on electricity website. So, I waited 1 day and see still money not deducted from my account. And also not paid to the electricity department.
Then I have contacted your phone banking agent on 13th Jan, 2015 She confirmed on phone. Bill is not paid. And you can pay the bill. I asked again that if you deduct it will be double pay. She assured. I can pay the bill.
So, trusting the words I have go ahead and now paid the bill using another site. BillDesk Which got paid immediately and also deducted from my Axis bank account.
Again I got SMS from Axis bank on 19th Jan, 2015 that amount deducted from my account. I got shocked to see that. Immediately called Axis Bank.
I was connected with customer care. Where after explaining she even dont have any kind of information.
I demand manager / supervisor. I was connected with Supervisor( he said his name Raja from Chennai)
He promised me, he will take care of the issue in 48 hours.
I called after 2 days. When I called. This time I started knowing about your worst employees of Axis bank,
Nobody have any information. This is serious issue for banking sector. If customer care, next customer care agent do not have information.
Again I need to inform them everything.
Even few people lied during my call.
Again when connected with Supervisor, he confirmed there is complaint and it is not resolved.
And said we are escalating this.
Again I have contacted through email as well.
On both phone and email. I was asked to wait 24 hours, 48 hours etc etc.
Then there is no response at all. Just whenever I am calling or sending email. I am just getting non-sense responses. Saying we have escalated.
After a very very long time I got call from Nodal desk.
They again asked me time.
And later I asked for manager and they connected phone with some another person. Who also assure me. He will take care of the issue
Later after few days I got call saying, amount already paid to electricity. And She told me "you will get credit in next month bill"
Again when I got next month bill. I do not see credit. I immediately send the scanned copy of bill to your Nodal desk.
No response. Again after many attempts. She called me asking me to take printout of the statement and go to the Electricity department offices.
First of all this issue cause is Axis bank. Provided wrong information. And according to me it should have resolved instantly within 5 minutes on 19th Jan, 2015
And main reason I contacted and provided information is, this is critical issue.
I have NOT contacted and spend 6-7 hours to get this non sense responses.
But, even after knowing about the issue. Issue not resolved. And bank people thinking all Indians are fool fellows, they will listen to anything. Saying something or the other illegal reasons.
According to me it is 100% serious issue. And without any second question Axis bank should have credited the money.
It is the matter of Trust and Fraud.
I want credit+ compensation.
Do not open account with Axis bank. This is Fraud. Unresponsive bank service.
They are thinking they can do anything as Indian government cannot caught them.
Forward this message to all Social networking websites. Facebook wall etc. So that people should get aware of this.
At least use SBI or any good bank but, never never use Axis Bank
You can imagine how worst their staff and policy. Even I have contacted "Shikha Sharma" Managing Director of Axis Bank.
But, even after that issue not resolved.
After contacting. And waiting for more than a week. I am writing this complaint.
IMAGINE if you invest OR do transaction for high value amount and this bank do fraud with you. You will left with NOTHING.
This bank with their advertisements fooling Indians. But, fact is in front of you.
I will ask government of India to take this seriously and compensate me at least 200 times the value for causing inconvenience.
Axis Bank Fraud Bank thinks Indians are fool fellows and pay the bill two times. I have paid the bill as per the information received from Customer care. That too after verifying all phone banking details. So, it is not even general call. I have waited long time on call and repeatedly asked the agent. She confirmed I can pay the bill.
Now this fraud fellows / nodal desk first promised me. They will immediately credit the amount if not received credit next month. But, later I come to know their TONGUE is not human tongue. It is Pig tongue.
When contacted again after receiving next bill with scanned copy of bill. NODAL Desk at Axis Bank again asked me lot of time.
And now asking me to make a rounds of Government Electricity department with bank statements.
Why should a customer need to contact the Electricity department?
And where is that UGLY tongue that promised with words saying we will credit immediately after receiving next bill. If do not get credit.
And reason I have complaint immediately on 19th Jan, 2015 is only after knowing it is 100% mistake from Axis Bank end.
Government of India should take strong action and RBI should not allow this kind of banks.
Axis Bank is unprofessional bank with BUNCH of liar fellows.
Beware of Axis bank. It is not Fraud Bank.