Well Guys another bad customer from axis bank would like to give a peice of advice to the poor customers or current acc holders in other banks who wish to open acc in AXIS bank.
Well to tel abt the service in AXIS bank the list goen on
(1) Development officer of this bank begs lik anythin N finally u end up givin him a business n u open an A/C
(2) Their serivce to customers is totally a disaster. Rigth from the beg til date I ve probs wit this A/C
(3) The reason y im usin it still is copz I also opended Demat A/C in the same bank. I filled a request in the month of JAN 2009 for demat A/c n I got my A/c opened shortly on 10th may 2009. it took 5months
(4) Their debit cards and the gold cards won work in many POPs wen complained to customer care they say its the server prob in the POP machine, N I usually end up usin my sbi card
So if u need an acc pls don go to this bank. U can rather go for PIGGY band then this one